Tuesday 8 September 2015

Are your CRM prospects tired of blank e-mails too ?

Have you considered how much easier your busy life would be if you could actually see the gist of the e-message in the browser to support the subject.

In the brain sharing business communities where many heads, thoughts, techniques, support services really are better than trying to do it all yourself, you might just miss an e-mail that really would have been useful to consider.

But when so many of them look like this:

…understandably you’ll move on.

What have you missed though. And, heaven forbid if your own e-mail marketing fails to strike a cognitive chord with your intended reader because they fail to be moved by a blank screen.

It really is easy to get it right as you’ll see, it just needs a little ASPIRUS thinking.

Too many e-designers of marketing departments use HTML designs with big picture graphic intros to head the proposition. Even using template design platforms such as Mail Chimp and Dot Mailer can deliver 'nothing' if you lead with a picture or corporate graphic...

...you / they get a blank box with a red X in the corner.

It really is natural to want to have a logo, branding and visuals in the message - after all a picture does paint a thousand words, doesn't it. But the words can only be visualised if the e-mail is opened and the images enabled.

Your audience is less likely to open your e-mail if they can't instantly see relevance. The only way to achieve this and lift open rates is to lead with text - the right words - saying the right thing - to the right people.

The right words

The right message

The right audience

Satisfy all three and your open rates will increase dramatically.

By making an articulate, clear offer on Injection Moulding tooling to IM tooling buyers - WITHOUT a blank box with a red X in it we achieved a fabulous and relevant open rate. Click to enable images ...

and you can do all your branding a product / service visualisation just half a scroll down the screen.

To find out more about WORDS and MARKETING services from ASPIRUS Words, just click one of the two images below:

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